In September 2018 a new Executive and Board of Directors was elected to renew and 'reboot' the Vulcan and District Chamber of Commerce after a hiatus. Our ongoing mission is to reconstitute our chamber, from ByLaws to finances, from developing new programs to supporting our business communities.

Strategic Vision
In addition to registering the Vulcan & District Chamber of Commerce as a nationally chartered Chamber of Commerce, the Executive and Directors have focused on the following 'way ahead':
1. Take a more 'District' based approach to Chamber growth and activities.
2. Use goals and priorities to develop programs and events for VDCC.
A. Develop Programs to support our businesses such as Social Media Training
B. Develop events such as a Trade & Tourism Faire to showcase our businesses.
3. Redesign our website.
4. Redeveloped the chamber android application.
Vision: To boldly grow our community of rural businesses for generations to come.
Mission: To provide leadership, collaboration, programs and services to create an environment that supports, strengthens and grows our district businesses.